Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I've been a little busy, and more over pre-occupied with this little handsome guy!! This is Tayce Ryan, he is now 8 weeks old and full of smiles! He is such a joy in our life and he is the highlight of our day! Tristin and Ashton absolutely love to help out as much as they can! They are indeed my best little helpers ever! We all just love our new little addition to our little family! Here are some things that I get to see everyday!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy 7th Anniversary!!

I just wanted to say Happy 7th Anniversary to the best thing that happened to me! He is a hard worker and does everything he can to make sure that I and the kids are happy and have the things that we need! What a great father and husband I have, and I am so lucky to have him!
I love you Ryan more than words can say, and I'm looking forward to sharing many more in the future! Have a great day!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I just had to show you a picture of these two taking advantage of this chilly cold weather! It was like 20 below that day and so sunny! It was really hard not to go out side and play in that inviting snow! They had tons of fun though, all up until they couldn't feel there faces anymore!

The most fun they have had all winter! WE attempted to make a snow man one day but, it just isn't snowman weather here! Maybe next year.

Thursday, February 12, 2009